Tuesday, June 07, 2005

My Second Favorite Book

Just finished reading what I will from this point on refer to as my second favorite book. It is entitled "Call of Duty, The Sterling Nobility of Robert E. Lee". It was was written by J. Steven Wilkins, a Presbyterian pastor back east. The first half of the book is a history of Robert E. Lee's life. The second half is charater traits that this man exhibited. If I was the Fire Chief of Los Angeles City Fire, I would make this book mandatory reading for all Captains at least, and hopefully for every new recruit who came on the job. If you would like to read it, I will buy it for you. No questions asked. Within the pages is an incredible example of godly Christian manhood and how it was exhibited in the life of one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. You will be challenged and inspired to live as a Christian in every arena of your life. It also has some really good parts in it for the ladies.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Atheist Factories

Just finished a 4 hour standby at Jefferson High School for a school riot involving hundreds of students. There were at least 40 armed police officers in riot gear who set up a perimeter in front of the school as they systematically emptied the classrooms and escorted the students outside. I was part of the medical command team on standby in the event that there was a "flare up", as the officers called it, of hostilities between the students. It was very saddening to me as a future father to consider the hundreds of students in their teens that filed past me. They all looked completely lost. As if they had no idea what they are supposed to be doing with their lives. At least 30% of the students appeared to still be agitated to the degree that they were ready to fight again and the tension in the area was palpable. I thought it strikingly ironic that during the mass exodus of students from the campus the ROTC color guard came out to lower the American and Californian flags. This occurred at about 2:00 pm and was accompanied by the usual flag folding ceremony which was guarded by the LAPD riot police. It was almost as if the school was surrendering; it had enough and was giving up. The Nation of Islam had its 5 representatives there in all of their fine threads denouncing LAPD, acting as if they were appalled at the way these students were behaving, and trying to turn the whole event into a political action theater. These students are to be pitied, having grown up in a lawless culture that gives licence to more and more lawlessness. Many of the families in the area where I work do not have any father present, and if they do, he is not functioning as the servant/leader/head of the family. As a consequence there is no context for the children to learn their social responsibilities, respect for authority, and the integral way in which they are becoming the fabric our society is woven into. The kids are farmed out to day care and then government schools which have no authority to discipline them when they break the rules. Our public schools have become atheist factories since a knowledge of the One True Living God and His Law is not taught at all. There is no ultimate real accountability for personal actions taught in school. Instead the "be all you can be" mentality reigns supreme in the public school system. God is not mocked. I witnessed it today. When a school system ignores the Truth, the God of the Truth responds by leaving them to their foolishness and abandoning them to their attempts to live life without real abiding principles. As Christians we should both preach on our feet against the foolishness of this age and then weep on our knees as we see the judgement that is sure to follow a wholesale ignorance of God and His ways. May God have mercy on our teens. May He bring revival to their lost souls. May the peddlers of destruction and the lovers of atheism be confounded and brought to their senses. And may Jesus Christ be praised, even at Jefferson High School in South Central Los Angeles.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Women and the Fire Department

I work for the Los Angeles City Fire Department on a paramedic rescue ambulance. Quite often I work with an overtime guy when my regular partner is off duty. It is a sad thing to report but for all of the fire departments' talk of high moral character, many of the men that I work with have a very low view of women. There have been many times when we have passed a woman on the street and my partner will make a comment about a part of her body. In the past I would simply not say anything but I have begun to become more bold about this matter. I have realized that if I don't say anything, the issue will come up again and again throughout the course of the day. I have even thought about writing down an actual dialogue that I could simply read verbatim as soon as this came up. Something like this:

"Yes, as a matter of fact there are alot of attractive women in this world. I am well aware of this fact. But there is something I must tell you. I am a follower of Jesus, a Christian. I used to live in a manner that was both degrading to myself and degrading to women, giving myself to sexual immorality in numerous ways. It was a very dishonorable way to live. However, by the mercy of God, I have left that way of life. Now I strive to live a pure life both in body and thought. This means that I do not use my body for sexual immorality and I strive not to even look at women in a lustful fashion, since the Bible says that to look and lust for a woman is to commit the very act of adultery in your heart. God is greatly concerned about the state of our hearts and knows all our thoughts. Although I lived for many years in the outright violation of Gods law, I now desire to obey it. This change is not one that I have caused. It is rather what God has done in my life. Believe me, I did not do this. It is God at work in my life to cause me to leave my old way of life and to follow a new way, the way of obedience to His law contained in the Ten Commandments. So that is why I don't look and also why I will not look. I hope that this makes sense. It is not my desire to cut off our conversation for the rest of the day since this can be a somewhat awkward topic in our day. I would be happy to talk more about this if you would like. Otherwise we can finish the day talking about other things."

Monday, May 23, 2005

God's grace and fatherhood

Since I am about to have a son, I have been thinking much about the reality of raising a son. This, of course, begins to raise all manner of doubts regarding my ability to do so correctly; in a manner that pleases God. How can I possibly be successful at that which I have never done? And what about all of my own failings/sins? Am I worthy of my sons' emulation? Will my son be a success or will he become a fool in this life? I believe that it is natural to face all of these realities and it is even better to be sobered by them. I certainly have begun to experience this in my employment as I have noticed that I am becoming more diligent and beginning to make progress in the promotion to captain process. But what of all my doubts? Well, blessed be the Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and our God. He who rules this world in every way and, in His providence, governs my life and provides for all my needs. How? I happened to borrow a biography of Robert E. Lee's life from Frank Sanchez. It was written by Steve Wilkins, a Presbyterian pastor back east. In the chapter entitled "Birth and Lineage" there is the account of Lee's father and his failed business ventures. It seems that he was somewhat of a speculator with his money and took unnecessary risks with his capital. This left him in deep debt and soiled his good name as he spent some time in debtors prison. After his being humbled greatly from ignoring wisdom, he earnestly desired that his sons not follow in his footsteps. God granted his request. Both of his sons were successful in their lives. Do you see what I see? Do you really see it? God is merciful! God is gracious! In spite of a not always being wise father, God used him to raise up a great leader who ultimately led the Southern army's in the Civil War. I hope you see what I am trying to say. God is good and gracious towards sinners who turn to Him in humility and seek His face. And they can only do this because of the gracious provision for their sins in the death of Jesus, the Messiah. Be encouraged! Be greatly encouraged!!! And as you father your sons, remember the grace of God...never forget the grace of God. Amen.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

...as the Lord commanded...

I have been reading the book of Numbers in the Old Testament. I have done this before and have wondered at times just how the information in this book applies to my life. Anyway, as I was reading today, I became aware of a pattern that is clearly evident, at least in the first 5 chapters. At the end of each of these chapters is the phrase "...as the Lord commanded." I have been reminded from this of the necessity of doing things God's way when His Word tells us what we should be doing. Here learn the importance of obedience because of who the One is who is issuing the commands.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Good Combinations

A lesson in applied Aesthetics: things that go good with other things. Hidden here is one of the elemental characteristics of Beauty: the parts all contribute to the makeup of the whole. Anyway, I like Port and cigars, Amaretto and cigars, Sambuca and cigars, cold weather, fire, and cigars, almonds and Cheezits, my wifes eyes and hair...How about you?

The "Sore Thumb" Theory

Just finished talking to the JW's. (Watchtower Followers) I was reminded that their are many lost people in this world who do not believe the truth. A couple of things that I remembered to do: Use the King James Version in dealing with them since they recognize this as authoritative; be endearing, that is, remember that they are lost and believe heresy and, therefore, need a Savior; remind them of the "witness" of history, namely that in Webster dictionary the heresy they embrace regarding the nature of Jesus has already been defined and identified as error in the 14th century. This heresy was called Arianism, after Arius who wrongly taught that Jesus was different in substance with God and that His glory and power were not equal with God. I like to use the "sore thumb" theroy with the JW's. It goes like this: There are many religions in this world. Every one of them has some different idea about the nature of Jesus. Some say a good man, some say a good example, and others say "a" god. But..............Christians, that is, historic and orthodox Christians have always contended that Jesus was God (Jehovah) and that He was the same in substance, equal in power and glory with God. We stick out like a sore thumb on this point. Kind of like if you smashed your thumb and it is painful and pulsating and you are trying not to yell...

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Difficulties With Superiors At Work

As of late I have had a number of difficult events with my Captain. One in particular was when I was "cussed out" at 2am for being late responding on a call. Granted I should not be late, especially since my job involves responding to emergencies (or supposed emergencies). However, I was not afforded the opportunity to explain what had happened or to offer a solution for avoiding the circumstances in the future. I find my sinful heart rising up in these circumstances and my partner, who is not a Christian, is all to willing to provide fuel for the fire. I have been studying the 5th commandment lately from the Westminster Confession and in question #127 regarding the duties of inferiors to superiors there is a phrase that reads "...bearing with their infirmities and covering them in love..." Here is the rub: In order for me to obey God and glorify Him, there are times when I must endure injustice, whether percieved or real. Basically that means that I can't complain to my wife, start a "session" of complaining with my partner, or act in a manner towards my captain that would give any indication that I disrespect him or his position. That is not easy to do when your ears are ringing, so to speak. Any comments?

Monday, May 09, 2005


Greetings friends. Here, on this web log or Blog, I hope to recount, rehash and reshape some of the topics of conversation that come up with my friends and brothers at Free Grace Church and elsewhere. Feel free to leave comments. All that is required is that you create a user name and an account. This prevents the leaving of anonymous comments. I hope it is useful and enjoyable to you all. Dan.