Thursday, December 31, 2009

Resolutions for 2009

1)Read the Bible through-I will do this by setting aside time each morning to read the chapters that are prescribed in the ESV reading plan in the back of my Bible. I will try to read 2 sections per day so that if I miss a day, I will be ahead.

2)I resolve to speak kindly to my beloved and sweet wife. I will do this by praying that God gives me the grace to remember she is not a man; she needs me to speak sweetly to her.

3)I resolve to read 3 books to my son each night that I am home.

4)I resolve that to the best of my ability, I will find a church that is biblical, missional, and has music that points me back to the cross and the work of Jesus on my behalf. I will do this by attending various churches for the first 4 months of the year, then talking with my wife about our experiences, then praying that the Holy Spirit would lead us to the right one.

5)I resolve that I will record my worship songs I have written in an album form. I will do this by spending less time on stupid Facebook, and more time organizing and arranging my songs; planning out the recording project.

6)My sixth resolution is a private one. God help me to honor You in all I do.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Could there ever be a better
Chocolate crunch and creamy paste?
Each bite worth a six page letter
To describe the lovely taste.

Dark and crunchy, sweet and smooth
Takes away the chocolate blues.

Sweet perfection in confection,
Strong you are to eat just two.

Perfect sandwich, work of art
Grab one side and twist apart.

Now before you is a test:
Frosting first or eat the rest?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Just like them...

I am 38. I am a firefighter in Los Angeles. Since the shifts I work are 24 hours long, it is necessary for all of the guys in the station to eat together. Today, during lunch, we watched "I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry", a comedy about two guys who pretend to be gay. All the usual things happened, including guys dressing as girls and talking about "sucking something" on each other, girls with hot bodies with far to little clothes displaying themselves for our viewing, the obligatory "dropped soap in the shower" scene, and the usual christian bashing in the form of "protesters" shouting at gays, telling them there going to hell, wearing dumb t-shirts with religious slogans on them, etc. As the part were the "chick with the most awesome body" begins to have one of the guys assess wether or not her boobs are real, all of the guys turned there chairs and heads, readying themselves for the "moment".


I got up to do the dishes.


Why were my ears burning as I had my back to the TV and the other 6 guys did not?


What else should I have done?


Why is it that the guy who is trying, and sometimes that's all I do, to avoid sexual immorality appears to be the weirdo, while everyone else is "normal"?


It is a difficult thing.


I can only try to live a pure life but it is the least I can do in light of what Jesus did when He denied Himself and submitted to the agony of the cross for my sexual immorality.


I hope that I am able to be gracious to these guys, as I am just like them in my heart.