Monday, October 04, 2010

The Legend Of The Gaurdians: The Owls Of Ga'hool

Just saw this movie. I liked it for the following reasons:

1) There were clear and distinct differences between the evil guys and the good guys.
2) The idea that living after evil ways results in destruction was VERY reinforced.
3) I swear that the composers quoted the theme from Harry Potter twice near the middle of the movie when the owlets meet the Gaurdians. I'd have to see it again to be sure.
4) I liked the saying "Your dreams are really who you are" from the beginning of the movie.
5) The storyline was great as was the development of the secondary characters and there was quite a bit of humor sprinkled throughout the movie.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

How Joyful Are You?

On a scale from 0-5, how joyful are you? Why? I often, if not always, exchange joy for happiness. I forget that joy is a security of things hoped for; a set of unchangeable realities above and outside myself. It is an emotion that is not a mere emotion. Joy and hope are inseparable, as long as that in which we hope is an unchangeable reality. And here is the first clue to the real nature of joy: It must be founded upon that which can not be shaken, taken away, affected by the economy, broken, violated, forgotten, etc. In short, true and lasting joy can only be a Christian virtue for the only thing which does not change, ever, is the body of truth that constitutes the Christian Gospel. Therefore, joy and faith are inseparable; real joy can only exist in the presence of a "...confidence of things not seen." Heb 11:1. The things of this earth, at times bringing great happiness, can not give real joy because they are all transient; a mist or shadow that so easily passes away. So I am reminded that I may be so "joyless" because I have of late forgotten to meditate upon the hope of my salvation; think much of God's love for me, the security of my salvation, the constant intercession of Christ on my behalf, the fountain of blood always available for my forgiveness and cleansing, the unflagging zeal of God to fulfill his covenant, keep His word, and bring all His people into Glory while not losing a single one! Instead of theses realities, I often fill my mind with the anxieties of this world: economy, my sins, possibility of grave illness both in me and/or my family, removal of Gods temporal blessings, aging, unfulfilled dreams, overt focus on world pursuits, etc. And here the Scriptures admonition to be anxious for nothing resounds in my mind, as well as the admonition to set my mind on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God...for only there, as Christ is disposed to us in such a favorable way to the end that we will be in Heaven with Him, can I find relief from anxiety and worry, the very thing which robs me of my joy. May I not be like the world with its hopelessness; pervading hopelessness! But rather found my joy upon the Rock of my salvation which will never fail!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Great Gospel Quote!

Go to Christ immediately

“I feel when I have sinned an immediate reluctance to go to Christ. I am ashamed to go. I feel as if it would not do to go, as if it were making Christ the minister of sin, to go straight from the swine-trough to the best robe, and a thousand other excuses. But I am persuaded they are all lies direct from hell.

John argues the opposite way—‘If any man sins, we have an advocate with the Father;’ … The holy sensitiveness of the soul that shrinks from the touch of sin, the acute susceptibility of the conscience at the slightest shade of guilt, will of necessity draw the spiritual mind frequently to the blood of Jesus. And herein lies the secret of a heavenly walk. Acquaint yourself with it, my reader, as the most precious secret of your life. He who lives in the habit of a prompt and minute acknowledgement of sin, with his eye reposing calmly, believingly, upon the crucified Redeemer, soars in spirit where the eagle’s pinion [wings] range not.”

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Update on my 2010 resolutions

As far as reading my Bible every day, I have not succeeded in that endeavor. However, I have read it quite a bit and am learning not to feel guilty if I miss a day or 4. Usually I just rest in the cross if I start worrying that I haven't read my Bible and get concerned that God is not going to like me if I don't read it. What has been good is that I have been reading large portions of Scripture when I do sit down to read. I am reading 15-20 chapters from 4 different books in the Bible so there is a larger amount of intake and this has been a blessing to me. I think the only way I will be more consistent is to ensure that I read the Bible as soon as I wake up. It's not that the time of day is more spiritual; it's just that mornings are usually the slowest part of my day and are relatively free of distractions.

I have been speaking more kindly to my wife, as of late. It seems that in the last month or so things that bothered me greatly in the past are now not so much of a big deal. I realize that it is best not to "react to her response" as it applies to any number of situations. In the past, when we failed to communicate clearly and got offended, I would flip out and that only caused the situation to compound, resulting in hours, if not days, of not "getting along". God has given me grace lately to not react to offense as I used to. I still need to improve alot in this area. One other thing I have realized is that my wife just needs to get out sometimes alone...without me. I've been trying to make sure she gets these times of solitary refreshment.

As far as reading to Owen, I have done pretty well. I have read to him most every night that we have been home and gone through our normal "getting ready for bed" routine. One thing that I have started doing besides simply reading to him is using the K-4 curriculum that we own from aBeka and teaching him how to read using the series of Little Owl books that is part of this curriculum. He loves them and really is excited to be able to read simple words and 2 word sentences. I have seen fruit from my efforts as we go about our day as he points out various words that he has seen or is curious about.

As far as finding a church, I am still in the process. We have been going to a really good church lately and are very encouraged by the work of God in our life as a result of being joined to this body of believers. I am very hopeful for the future and what it may hold for us here at this new church.

I am almost done with the first song for my worship album. It will probably take all year for me to record it all. I'm aiming for 10 or 11 songs and it will up on my Facebook page as I finish each song. I'll post the first one in the near future.

One of the best Christian worship albums ever.

Those of you who have known me for any length of time know that I have an affinity for good music, specifically worship music. I have been involved in leading worship in churches for over 20 years and have spent alot of that time reading and thinking and discussing what makes a good song for worship. I recently began to attend a different church in the Santa Clarita Valley named Crossroads Community Church. I had lunch with Paul Hoover, the guy who leads worship there, and as we were dialoguing about various things I brought up the point that there are few songs written nowadays for Christian worship that have Heaven as the theme of the song. It just seems like the average christian in the modern church does not think much about the joy of the eternal state; the joy of being with Jesus; the joy of seeing His face and no longer being afraid, guilty, sick, or sad. Theology proper refers to this as the Beatific Vision. In Christian theology, the beatific vision is the eternal and direct visual perception of God enjoyed by those who are in Heaven, imparting supreme happiness or blessedness. (Wiki) It is the event that contains all of the essence of all of our hope as christians, namely, that we will see the face of God and not be afraid! As we discussed this topic, Paul mentioned an album by a band called Enfield. Their first album is all about Heaven and the final rest of Christians. My first listen to it was stirring. Subsequent listening has confirmed for me that this is one of the most musically diverse and theologically sound worship albums I've ever heard. This album has changed me in that I long for heaven even more now; I long to be with Jesus more as a result of being reminded of the great truths presented in the songs of this album.

I heartily recommend it to you.

I purchased 15 of them from Grace Community's book store as gifts and/or "tracts" to those I might meet who are not Christians.

I encourage you to buy the album, sit down, get out the lyric sheet, and listen to all the songs in a row. You will be encouraged and you will look forward to Heaven and seeing Jesus for the first time. Enjoy!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Quote from "Safety, Fullness, and Sweet Refreshment In Christ"-a sermon by Jonathan Edwards

Christ not only delivers from fears of hell and of wrath, but he gives hopes of heaven, and the enjoyments of God's love. He delivers from inward tumults and inward pain, from that guilt of conscience which is as a worm gnawing within, and he gives delight and inward glory. He brings us out of a wilderness of pits, and drought, and fiery flying spirits; and he brings us into a pleasant land, a land flowing from milk and honey. He delivers us out of prison, and lifts us off from the dunghill, and he sets us among princes, and causes us to inherit the throne of glory. Wherefore, if anyone is weary, if any is in prison, if anyone is in captivity, if anyone is in the wilderness, let him come to the blessed Jesus, who is as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. Delay not, arise and come away.